Sunday, March 3, 2019

Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself

I've missed my blog and connecting with people around the world through fashion. It's been quite some time since I've poured my heart out to y'all about what I have going on in my life and how it applies to my fashion lifestyle.

I don't know how many of you are aware that I had bariatric surgery a little over two years ago in November of 2016. At my heaviest, I was 308, but currently, weigh in at 148 lbs. The transition has been tough physically, but more mentally taxing than anything. I still throw up, have severe dehydration and have to utilize getting medical IV treatments, many days I don't hold much food down and still struggle with getting enough food, liquids, and protein.

Though  I love my smaller frame, I never truly intended to be this small, but you can't really shut it off. Not with the type of procedure I had (Sleeve Gastrectomy). I really wanted to be between 165-175 lbs because at that size I still have a nice shapely figure. Also, I miss my butt and my breasts **inserts Kanye shrug**. If I could've just kept those assets and lost the waistline.....right?!! We always think we want something until we get it. Though I got the surgery for health reasons, if I had to do it all over again, I probably wouldn't. At one point my hair was even falling out as a result of the rapid loss of protein (I have a whole other blog piece I have planned to take y'all through that journey).

But, I've said all this to say, I got away from the blogging because I was trying to figure out how to revamp my blog and still capture my followers (esp my large Pinterest presence). I want to now cater to women of all shapes and sizes because shopping was a true struggle for me after losing the weight. I had no idea how to shop in stores like Ann Taylor, White House Black Market, or any department stores for sizes below size 14. I was truly lost. I had to sell/donate/give away all my lovely plus size clothes after trying to hold on to them for as long as I could. But, I realized by keeping them I was telling myself I was going to gain the weight back and I was setting myself up for failure before even giving myself a real chance.

So now, I get to take you on my new fashion journey at a Size 8 and share with you my struggles, new found passions/interests, where I now shop at, etc. So, enjoy and engage this ride with me.





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